The site belongs to West Wealth Management Financial Services Ltd, allegedly registered in the UK. According to the project owners’ statements, it is “the world’s only provider of global ETF contracts”, which provides “the safest platform and guarantees the highest returns”. Meanwhile, there is not a single copy of the license on the official website of this organization.

Will you be able to make money on this platform? How reliable is this project? How safe it is to work with this company, you will find out in our review of WWM VIP.

How to Invest

The company positions itself as a CFD broker, claiming that it will trade indices, commodities, currencies, stocks, and other assets on behalf of clients. The online investment platform offers users:

  • 3 types of Packages for deposits.
  • Initial deposit amount of 499/1999/4999 USD.
  • 5 types of payment systems, including Bitcoin and Visa card.

The company does not specify dividend payment dates, commissions, and other fees. In addition, WWM VIP states in the User Agreement that it has the right to change its spreads at any time without prior notice.

You can proceed to install the TradingView platform through the Google Play and App Store links provided on the website. However, the WWM VIP app is not available in these stores. 

Additional services are represented by news reviews and analytical tables of asset quotes. You can contact support via online chat or feedback form.

WWM VIP Vital Info

According to ‌information on the website, the company has attracted $10 million in user funds and processes 25 thousand transactions per month. Besides, the investment firm has 20 years of experience in the financial brokerage industry. However, this data is not supported by reports and other documents. In addition, we did not find any information about the company’s management. As for the domain, it was created in May 2024. So, the project has been operating for less than a year.

The investment organization claims to be registered in England. We checked and found a legal entity with a similar name in the British registry. However, this company has nothing to do with the WWM VIP brand and the domain of the hero of our review. Finally, according to the register of the FCA, the UK regulator, West Wealth Management does not have a financial services license. This is contrary to the legal requirements for platforms that offer investment services to clients.


What are the key facts about WWM VIP?

The company claims to have been in business for 20 years and has offices in 4 countries, including its headquarters in London. Despite this, the firm does not provide copies of licenses, reports, or incorporation documents, which is a violation of disclosure laws. This brand does not belong to an organization with a similar name, which is listed in the UK registry. In addition, this firm is not listed with the FCA.

What's the risk to my wallet when working with this company?

This project is operating illegally and without a license. Besides the fact that HYIP can close your account at any moment, you risk losing your cryptocurrency funds due to the impossibility of their return through chargeback.

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